What is my ip?

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Your IP

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What is my IP address?

There is an Internet Protocol (IP), a standard protocol for communication in the tech world. It is the same with your home address in layman's terms. To be emailed at home, you must have the correct IP address in town to receive, pizza vouchers, tax refunds, etc. The same applies to all internet devices. Information cannot be received without this particular address. IP addresses can either be assigned permanently or temporarily from a pool of available addresses (first come first serve) from your Internet Service Provider to an e-mail server/business server or permanent residents.

Internet users are always in search of their IP address location. You’ll see bundle of IP finders online when search “What’s my IP address”. Unfortunately you won’t find the answer on the spot. Check IP on show my IP tool for free.

What is IP Address?

The IP is an exclusive number on all IT devices that identifies and enables them to communicate with one another in the computer network (routers, printers, modems, etc.). You may be thinking or your friend can ask “How can you check your IP?" Well, you may look smart if you are using our IP finder and can tell your fellow that I can check my IP and can find my IP and my IP location instantly while using What's my IP address tool.

The IP  is a unique address used by computer devices such as personal computers, tablets, and smartphones to identify and communicate with other devices throughout the IP network. A single network IP address shall be available to any device connected to the IP network. A street address or telephone address is analogous to an address because it is used exclusively to identify an entity. IP lookup tool is used to answer the question “Where is my IP”.

Dotted decimals

The traditional IP (known as IPv4) uses a 32-bit system and defines a network address and a host address. A 32-bit number can supply around 4 trillion unique digits and therefore, as more devices are connected to the IP network, IPv4 addresses run out. In order to give virtually endless unique addresses, a new version of the IP protocol (IPv6) was developed. An IP is given in "dotted decimal" notation, which is 4 numerical sets, each with a period of 8-bit (0-255) number. An IPv4 address example is You can use our IP checker to find your IPv4 address.

A network address and host address are divided in two parts. The address in the network determines how many of the 32 bits for the network address are used and how many other bits for the host address are used. The host address can also be divided into a host and the sub-network.


  1. DNS-Domain Name System: It allows for the translation into words of the IP address. We remember a word rather than a number. The same applies to web address. You might remember a web address name like prepostseo.com much easier than remember, and email@prepostseo.com is much easier than email@
  1. Dynamic IP: An IP can change as it’s not a static figure. If you’ll search “what is my IP address location” You will receive this IP from a pool of IP addresses assigned by your ISP or DHCP server. For many customers, it is for a wide range of reasons that don't always require the same IP address. Your computer receives this number automatically while logging in to the network, so that you have to know the details about the specific network settings. Anyone using a dial-up, wireless and high-speed Internet connections may be assigned this number. It is best to have a static IP if you are running your own email server or web server.
  1. Static: A fixed and unchanged IP. It contrasts with a dynamic IP that can be modified at all times. For a few additional bucks of a month, most ISPs have one static IP or a block of static IPs.
  1. IP version 4: Most network devices are currently using IPv4. However, IPv4 addresses are running out quickly, with more and more computers accessing the Internet. Just like in a town, addresses must be set up for new neighborhoods, but if your district gets too big, a whole new pool of addresses must be created. IPv4 has been restricted to addresses of 4,294,967,296.
  1. IP version 5: It is a UNIX-based experimental protocol. All odd-numbered versions are considered experimental, in accordance with UNIX (a computer operating system). The general public was never supposed to use it.
  1. IP version 6: It’s an official replacement of IPv4. It is estimated that there are 340,282,366,920,938, 463,374, 607,431,768,211,456 or 2^128 unique IPv6 addresses.

IP Location

You can find your IP address location using our IP Lookup tool. Our “What is my IP” tool is 100% accurate. Some factors includes the location of the IP owner, for example, the location of the IP monitoring authority, proxies, cellular IPs etc. If you are located in the United States and the IP controlling agency in Canada, the search results for an IP address may show Canada. The Canadian IP is common among mobile users on the Verizon network, whereas in the North of the U.S.

Many people believe that if they will check the “Show my IP address” tool, the user assigned IP will be given the physical mailing address. It just doesn't happen. We currently do not know any IP address database that gives you the exact IP you are looking for. In the best case, you will be able to find the exact location of the IP user. You must contact the ISP (Internet Service Provider) of the IP address you are interested in for an exact physical address. However, do not expect the ISP to provide you with the mailing address of the user assigned to the IP at the time you received the offensive Email or other means of offensive or doubtful communication from that IP, without any police warrant or legal document that forces the ISP to send the information. The best thing you can do here is to complain to the ISP and provide all the information from the dubious/offensive complaint communication to them.

What does our tool do?

IP Address Lookup

The geolocation of all IP addresses is determined by an IP address search. The IP search results indicate the city, state/region, postal/zip code, country name, ISP, and timescale. Different agencies can use this data to find an exact IPv4 or IPv6 address owner.

Private and Public IP Address

The IP addresses will be publicly logged into the Network Information Center (NIC) to prevent conflicts from arising in order to maintain a unique global nominal space. For publicly identifiable dDevices, such as Web or mail servers, a unique global IP address must be provided and a public IP address is assigned. A private IP address can be assigned to devices that do not require public access and make it unique within an organization. For instance, a private IP may be assigned to a network printer to prevent printing out from the rest of the world. The NIC has reserved certain address blocks for private use to enable organizations to freely assign private IP addresses. A private network uses an IP space of RFC 1918.

The public Internet Protocol address is an internet accessible IP. The public IP is the worldwide unique Internet Protocol Address assigned to a computer device, as the postal address used to send a message back home. You can find your public IP on our “What is my IP” tool. On the other hand, private IP is used to assign computers to your private space without exposure to the internet. You may wish, for example, to use private IP for each computer in your home, if you have multiple computers inside your home. Your router gets a public IP in this scenario and a private IP from your router is given via the DHCP protocol on all computers, tablets, and smartphones connected to your router (via wired or Wi-Fi).

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the IP address registration organization responsible for ISPs and ISPs. In order for companies to freely assign private IP addresses, the Network Information Center (InterNIC) has reserved certain address blocks for private use.

What's Public IP?

A public Internet Protocol address is the address for a computer device that allows direct Internet access. The candidate for public IP address is a web server, e-mail server, and any device that is directly accessible via the Internet. A global public IP address is unique and only a single device can be assigned to the device.

What’s a private IP?

A private IP is InterNIC's address space that allows companies to create a private network of their own. There are three IP blocks reserved for private use (1 Class A, 1 Class B and 1 C). Computers, tablets and smart phones are usually assigned private IP to be placed behind your home and personal computers in organizations. A private address is assigned to a network printer living in your house, allowing only your family to print to your local printer.

If a personal IP is assigned to a computer, the local device uses a private IP to view that computer. Devices outside your local network, however, cannot communicate directly via the private IP, but use public Internet Protocol addresses of your router to communicate. A Network Address Translator (NAT) should be used to enable direct access to a local device with a private IP assigned to it.

Beside my ip tool, we have Domain IP History, Class C IP Checker, IP Location and Domain IP Lookup tools that can check IP of the desired domain and the submitted IP for the location checking. All these tools are absolutely free and super accurate in result.