Code to Text Ratio

To use prepostseo Code To Text Ratio (a.k.a Text to html ratio checker), Paste up to 10 webpages to view their Code to text ratio: (one url on each line) and click on Check Ratio Button.

Check Ratio


Bulk website code to text ratio Checker

Whenever we develop a webpage we require to put lots of code to make it look reasonable. We structure it like a webpage using HTML, then we make it colorful using CSS, then we also consider to put some effects of jQuery and sometimes we also need to validate user-input using JavaScript etc. So, all of our code embeds to maintain the shape and functionality of our webpages. Now comes the text turn that is used to display the information for the visitors of that particular website. So to be more precise and to-the-point there are mainly two groups of items that a webpage has:

  • Code
  • Text

Ratio between code and text is mainly a factor when page loads. Google and other SEs classify fast loading pages more valued and standout than slower ones, but they consider the factor of Code to Text ratio. So, one should keep this ratio between 25 to 75% but it’s not a really very hard and fast rule.

Features and Functionality of “Text to html ratio checker” tool:

Text to html ratio checker:

It’s a simple and straightforward tool that is capable to precisely look into your webpages and calculates an exact ratio of your code to text. Using this tool is as simple as just working on two steps only. Just paste the webpage link and click ‘Check Ratio’ button. You get the measurement of your code and text separately in Kilobytes and finally you get the %age of Code to Text ratio. This tool enables you to check Code to Text Ratio for multiple pages up to 10 maximum as well.

How much is this ratio important?

According to the SEO experts, this ratio is not very important but it has its weight in the seo. So if a company wants to complete in SERP, it has to be perfect from all dimensions. Also using more code in a web page slower website loading speed, hence it is directly related to SEO.

The second Factor is the bounce rate. If you have less content in your blog post then definitely users will leave your website after just 3-4 minutes. And Bounce rate is also considered by google while ranking a website.

How to increase this ratio?

Increasing code to text ratio means you want to add more text on your web page. As a webmaster, it is very tough to make each and every page of the website content rich. And web owners use different techniques to compensate this issue.

The first technique that is used to add content on a web page is to provide a commenting system for website visitors. It is recommended, allow visitors to post a comment without registration. Also, there are various social plugins available that can help users to post a comment without adding any additional information. The most popular plugins are Facebook comment box, Google+ comment box and Disqus. Any review posted by users is also visible for search engines.

The second technique is to create a forum on your website and show related threads on the posts where you want to add text. This will not only help you to get user reviews also website visitors will spend more time on your website.

What Else We Offer?

Prepostseo is a leading platform in providing free SEO and website management tools. You can check more tools here: 

Server Port Scanner: Scan your server ports online.

IP Location: Finds IP location with Host Name, Country, Region, City & Status.

Online URL Encode/Decode: Encode and Decode URLs in ASCII format.

Website Page Snooper: Allows you to go through any website of your competitor (view HTML code).

HTML Encoder Decoder: Encode & Decode HTML code for developers.

Domain IP Lookup: Allow you to know the exact IP location of domain. 

DNS Records Checker: Checks DNS records of your domain.

Reverse NS Checker: It shows you all domain hosted on your DNS.

DNS Report: DNS report provides you the complete information about your Name servers.

DNS Propagation Checker: Checks DNS propagation after you changed your NS.

Class C IP Checker: It checks C class of IP.

Server Status Checker: Checks the status of your server in the whole easy way.

Different Locations Ping: Allows you to ping domain or IP around the world online.

Traceroute Domain: Shows paths between two networks node to node, also called hop.

Spider Simulator: Allows you to know the data that will be crawled by Search Engine's spiders/bots.